Jumat, 26 April 2013

letter of promotion

JAKARTA, 27/04/2013 DEAR FATHER/MOTHER PLACE DEAR PROMOTOR, Our PT.maju retreat that specializes in accessories of clothing. Our company established in 1992 and located on the street love highway no 25. we promote our branded apparel Ipy, on Saturday the 25th of January which is located in the path of love highway no 25. we propose some media used the media campaign ubtuk cetak.dengan 100,000,000 budget. Thus we made this proposal for the help we thank you. January,27/04/2013 I respectfully (nathjawa) Jakarta,28/04/2013 dear PT.MAJU MUNDUR Place Dear promotor, to approve the proposal pt.maju our retreat that you submit to us. Your promotion will ilakukan on the 25th of January with a print and a total cost of 100,000,000 we also want to make a cooperation contract taken, with the sponsor names fajarindra clothing is the main sponsor you. Jakarta,28/04/2013 I respectfully (nathtasya)

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